quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

Federal universities have less than 10% of black students

Though affirmative action policies  at the black population, that people is still a minority in the federal universities. Study to be released on Wednesday by the National Association of Directors of Federal Institutions of higher Education on the profile of graduate students shows that 8.72% of them black. Whites are 53.9%, 32% mulattos and Indians less than 1%. 
By Mathias

Though- embora
Shows- mostra
Still- ainda

8 comentários:

  1. I don't care about that. I want to read suggestions of movies and series to watch.

  2. this is a very good topic, but in the next time than you post, post an thing about movies and series because the name of the blog is popcorncintv and cintv is cinema and tv. But your idea is very cool!
    By Ana Carolina

  3. This is a post about the racism at black population.

    By Mathias

  4. This is a boring topic
    By Gustavo Bing

  5. Racism is horrible good work!!!

  6. This is a very important text

  7. i never read newspaper
    these is a very important thing
    good idea
    by ma:B(songsroom9)
